Strategic Partners Directory

As a service to our clients, we provide the following list of businesses who provide services and products to our clients on a preferred basis.  

We encourage you to find favor by indicating that you are a current client of Capital Insurance and Investment Planning when contacting anyone on the list below.

We are always eager to hear about your experience - please don't hesitate to share with us how you made out!


George, Goldstein Co. - 215-745-2404 

Jebran & Abraham, CPA's - 267-477-1061


Michael Ivankovich - Michael Ivankovich Antiques - Estate & Antique Valuation         215-345-6094


Andrew Cotlar, Esq. - Cotlar & Cotlar - 215-345-7310

Grayson H. Heberley, III, Esq. -  856-795-1100 

Eric A. George, Esq. - Law Offices of Eric A. George  215-822-7200 


Pearl S. Buck International - 215-249-0100

Doylestown Historical Society - 215-345-9430

Friends of the Borough Dam - 215-345-4140

Masonic Charities - 215-348-7510

The Mercer Museum & Bucks County Historical Society - 215-345-0210

Group Benefits

Total Benefits - 215-355-2121

Mortgage Brokers

Michael & James Esposito - Philadelphia Mortgage Advisors - 215-345-7600

Property & Casualty Agency

Rick Millham - Millham Companies - 215-345-8110 x113